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Posts from the ‘Design Unit’ Category

Material stories

Material Stories è un esercizio didattico che esplora i territori limitrofi al Monte Bianco. Stories. Ciascuno sa che le montagne, le Alpi, il Monte Bianco sono stati oggetto di numerosissime storie: scientifiche, folcloristiche, letterarie. La Montagna Incantata (o Magica) è forse l’esempio più alto. Quali storie raccogliamo per raccontare altre storie? Quali argomenti usiamo per pensare altri argomenti? Quali nodi annodano altri nodi?

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Post-pandemic Turin. Il progetto nello stato di crisi

L’Atelier di Progettazione Urbana “Post-pandemic Turin. Il progetto nello stato di crisi” si propone come un’indagine progettuale sul territorio dell’area metropolitana di Torino dopo due anni di crisi pandemica. L’ipotesi è che le tante crisi degli ultimi anni, a cominciare da quella pandemica, abbiano reso evidenti e ineludibili questioni e problematiche radicate nelle città e i territori occidentali. In questo tipo di indagine, il progetto è usato come strumento di conoscenza del territorio, non solo come un insieme organizzato di indicazioni o norme che ne guidano la trasformazione.

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Incomplete city

L’Atelier di Progettazione Urbana “Incomplete City” esplora la città adriatica, un territorio domestico – molto presente nell’immaginario comune – fortemente provato da crisi che si sono susseguite in modo ricorrente, fino all’ultima, sanitaria nel 2020.

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Inside a new form of the city

The Urban Design Atelier INSIDE A NEW FORM OF THE CITY is proposed as a design survey on the territory of the productive hinterland around Turin. It is the ville industrielle seen from the outside (or another ville industrielle). In this type of research, the project is used as an instrument of knowledge of the territory, not only as an organized set of indications or rules that guide its transformation. Through drawings, writings, words, the project measures itself with the specific characters of the territory it observes without reducing its complexity.

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Corpo, spazio, politica

Mass production makes a better world

Spazi e corpi. Il progetto urbanistico contemporaneo#Dossier

City and Production. Explorations towards a design research: #Themes


The Traversée is an urban figure that serves to identify a continuity, a connection, not necessarily physical, between heterogeneous spaces and urban materials linked to production. The planning strategy that accompanies it is based mainly on two principles: on the one hand to contrast the image of the City-factory where the production is structured only within imposing industrial plates that are inserted as waterproof bubbles in the urban fabric; on the other hand, redesigning the role of production spaces within a more complex and capillary system of elements, also structuring with greater clarity what we can now define with production and which enclosures and openings it builds with the rest of the city.  Read more

City and Production. Explorations towards a design research: #Postcards

The postcards are a student’s interpretation of the subject of the Atelier in relation with a specific place. This exercise induces the students to confront themselves with a dense and stratified territory in a first exploratory and reflective step towards the construction of an understanding of the theme of the Atelier. The works respond to the attempt to convey a personal reading, and therefore loaded with a strong meaning in relation to the theme, through a selective and communicative action, using very few elements. The postcards present in a synthetized way an attention to the place as a material for a new configuration. Read more

City and Production. Explorations towards a design research: #Atlas

Large scale interpretative maps

Those maps are intended as both analytical and planning tools. Free from complying with the strict administrative divisions they also define a “Turin Region” according to the issue each map is meant to focus on. Within the “City and Production” Design Unit, the collective mapping work explores the underlying logic of contemporary manufacturing and the way it is nowadays making the city. The practice was meant to build a common framework highlighting topics and issues and constituting a valid background for the design exercises. Read more